California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning repair’

What Is the Difference Between an AC Tune-Up and AC Repair Needs?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Air conditioning system maintenance is crucial for ensuring comfort during our extended cooling season and preventing costly breakdowns. We offer two primary services to help keep your AC running smoothly: tune-ups and repairs. 

Some homeowners need clarification about these two services. In a nutshell, a tune-up is something that should be scheduled once a year even when your AC system is working fine, while an AC repair is what’s needed when your AC isn’t working that well or at all. Let’s go over the differences between an AC tune-up and an AC repair, and how regular tune-ups can prevent the need for air conditioning repair in Fresno.

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How to Stay Cool When Your AC Breaks Down in the California Heat

Monday, May 20th, 2024

There’s nothing worse than your air conditioning system breaking down during a heatwave. Having a plan in place to deal with the heat while you wait for AC repair is essential. 

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips to help homeowners stay cool while awaiting air conditioning repair in Clovis. From immediate actions such as closing curtains and staying hydrated, to long-term preventive measures such as scheduling AC maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

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Troubleshooting Tips for Air Conditioning Problems

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

As the temperatures rise, your air conditioning system becomes an invaluable asset in keeping your home cool and comfortable. However, like any other appliance, AC systems are susceptible to repair needs and breakdowns. 

Knowing the signs of common air conditioning problems can save you time, money, and discomfort and can also let you know when to schedule central air conditioning repair in Clovis. Let’s go over troubleshooting tips for AC issues, when to call in the professionals, and how preventative maintenance measures will keep your system running smoothly.

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What Problems Your AC May Face This Year

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Does it feel too early to be discussing air conditioning repair in Fresno? While you may not be using your AC just yet, it’s always a good idea to be prepared for whatever the summer may throw your way.

Leaving any issue with your AC unaddressed is only likely to cause it to worsen and can put you at risk of losing the system altogether. Here’s what you should know about possible issues your AC could run into this summer. With this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to get your system the services it needs that much sooner.

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Why Your AC May Have Ice Build-Up

Monday, August 15th, 2022

If you see ice on your air conditioner, you may fall prey to the mistaken idea that the system is simply working really well. However, the reality is the exact opposite. You actually have a system that is really struggling to operate the way it should.

Ice building up on your air conditioner is a sign that the system has a problem that needs to be fixed. We will get into the details below. The long and short of it is that ice on your AC means it is time to schedule an air conditioning repair in Kingsburg, CA. Here’s why.

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Why Short Cycling Is Bad News

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Have you noticed that your air conditioning turns on just to turn off again within a brief number of minutes? At first, it might seem like that means that your AC is just having to put forth less effort to get the job done. However, we want you to know the truth. Your AC system is short cycling and this is bad news.

If you have a system that has started to short cycle, it means that you will need to schedule air conditioning repair in Clovis, CA sooner than later. This isn’t just a problem for your system operation, it will also rapidly become a problem for your energy bills.

Below, we’ll give you the information you need to know about short cycling, from what causes it to what it takes to resolve it.

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Does AC Maintenance Prevent All Repairs?

Monday, June 6th, 2022

We would love to tell you that regular AC maintenance provided by a professional is all that you need to keep your system running properly. But we aren’t okay with lying. Maintenance makes a big difference in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of your AC. This service can even help reduce the number of repairs your system needs to keep it running. But it won’t prevent every system repair need.

Professional AC maintenance that is performed regularly each year will prevent up to 85% of the repairs that your system would need otherwise over its lifespan. But what about those remaining repairs? How do you handle them?

Whenever an air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA pops up, it is worthwhile to reach out to our team for service. Here’s how you can determine if it is time to schedule repairs.

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Do You Need a Thermostat Upgrade?

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Discovering that your air conditioner isn’t working right is a pain. We understand your frustration but we also want to let you know that we can help. Determining what is causing your comfort troubles and how to address it is exactly the type of air conditioning service in Clovis, CA that we are known for providing.

To start, we want to look at whether the core issue at hand is your air conditioner itself, or the thermostat that controls it. This can be important to figure out because, to be honest, upgrading a thermostat is a more affordable way to save your comfort and benefit your HVAC system too!

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The Issue With a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, May 24th, 2021

AC-being-servicedThings are starting to warm up and open up too. It feels like you have all of Fresno at your fingertips now and just in time for summer! You have a lot of plans to make, people to catch up with, and fun things to do that you had to miss out on last year.

Getting an air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA may not have made it onto your list. However, if your AC isn’t working right, it may be a good idea to get this service scheduled so it doesn’t mess with the rest of your summer plans! One big issue that you will want to get repaired as quickly as possible is a refrigerant leak.

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Don’t Miss End-of-the-Season Repairs

Monday, September 28th, 2020

HVAC-technician-at-doorWe can all say that this summer has been a rough one. Between high heat, excruciating temperatures, the inability to rely on relief from places like the community pool, and other issues, summer has been a season of struggle for a lot of us. It has also been a season in which we have all relied heavily on our air conditioner systems.

With months of regular use, any air conditioner is going to accrue some wear and tear that may lead to the development of AC repair needs, not to worry, this is a fairly common issue towards the end of the cooling season. The thing you have to remember is that you never want to delay getting those repairs fixed.

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