California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

What Is the Difference Between an AC Tune-Up and AC Repair Needs?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Air conditioning system maintenance is crucial for ensuring comfort during our extended cooling season and preventing costly breakdowns. We offer two primary services to help keep your AC running smoothly: tune-ups and repairs. 

Some homeowners need clarification about these two services. In a nutshell, a tune-up is something that should be scheduled once a year even when your AC system is working fine, while an AC repair is what’s needed when your AC isn’t working that well or at all. Let’s go over the differences between an AC tune-up and an AC repair, and how regular tune-ups can prevent the need for air conditioning repair in Fresno.

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How to Prepare Your Home for Central AC Installation

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Central air conditioning is a significant upgrade for home comfort, especially with our extended cooling season here in California. Proper preparation before the central AC installation in Clovis can make the process smoother and more efficient, ensuring your new system works flawlessly from day one.

Before the installation day, it’s helpful to understand what’s involved with purchasing a new central AC system. Our HVAC technicians can not only help you pick out the perfect system, but they will professionally assess your home’s layout and size to determine the right central AC unit capacity. This step is crucial to ensure that you are getting a system that is correctly sized for your home.

Then what’s next? Let’s go over how you can prepare for installation day.

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Why Your New AC System Needs Regular Maintenance

Monday, June 17th, 2024
Air conditioner with maintenance tools in residential back yard

When you invest in a new air conditioning system, it’s easy to assume that it will run smoothly for a few years without any issues or maintenance needs. After all, it’s a brand-new system, and new things don’t need fixing, right? 

This common misconception can lead to neglect which can affect your expensive new system’s performance, efficiency, and lifespan. Regular maintenance for air conditioning in Fresno is crucial even for brand-new AC systems. Let’s go over the reasons why.

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How to Stay Cool When Your AC Breaks Down in the California Heat

Monday, May 20th, 2024

There’s nothing worse than your air conditioning system breaking down during a heatwave. Having a plan in place to deal with the heat while you wait for AC repair is essential. 

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips to help homeowners stay cool while awaiting air conditioning repair in Clovis. From immediate actions such as closing curtains and staying hydrated, to long-term preventive measures such as scheduling AC maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

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What AC Can I Get Installed in My Mobile Home?

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Have you been trying to get through our extended cooling season with window units and space heaters in your mobile home? It’s time to upgrade your home comfort with mobile home HVAC service in Fresno

At California Indoor Comfort Inc, we understand the importance of ensuring comfort in your mobile home, especially during the hot summer weather. If you’re wondering what type of air conditioning system is best suited for your mobile home, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore the various options available to you, including central air conditioning, heat pumps, and mini split systems. 

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Troubleshooting Tips for Air Conditioning Problems

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

As the temperatures rise, your air conditioning system becomes an invaluable asset in keeping your home cool and comfortable. However, like any other appliance, AC systems are susceptible to repair needs and breakdowns. 

Knowing the signs of common air conditioning problems can save you time, money, and discomfort and can also let you know when to schedule central air conditioning repair in Clovis. Let’s go over troubleshooting tips for AC issues, when to call in the professionals, and how preventative maintenance measures will keep your system running smoothly.

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New Air Conditioning System in Fresno: What Are the Options?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

As the Fresno heat sets in, ensuring your home will be cool and comfortable becomes paramount. How confident are you that your existing AC system will get you through our extended cooling season? Consider air conditioning installation in Fresno to replace an outdated system or upgrade your existing central AC with a heat pump or ductless mini split.

Making the right choice for a new HVAC system can be overwhelming. As your trusted HVAC experts, we’re here to guide you through the process. In this guide, we’ll explore the three main options for new air conditioning systems including heat pumps, central air conditioners, and ductless mini splits.

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AC Repairs You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Monday, March 25th, 2024

In the scorching heat of a Fresno summer, your air conditioning system becomes your best friend, providing a cool sanctuary from the blistering temperatures outside. But what happens when your trusty AC starts acting up? 

Ignoring those warning signs can lead to more than just discomfort—it can wreak havoc on your finances. In this guide, we’ll explore the common AC repairs you can’t afford to ignore and the potential financial consequences of neglecting them.

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What Are SEER2 Ratings for Air Conditioners?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

When you’re shopping around for a new air conditioner, you may read about SEER2 ratings. This is a standard way to measure HVAC efficiency. It’s an elevated grading system that takes more factors into consideration compared to the former SEER rating system.

Getting a central AC installation in Fresno is a big task. You want to make sure that you choose the right system for your home and family. Selecting an air conditioner with a higher SEER2 rating means that you’ll get better energy efficiency over the life of the system. You can keep reading to learn more about the minimum SEER2 ratings for our area and why you want to select a unit with a stronger rating.

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Don’t Neglect these Late Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 25th, 2023

If your air conditioner is having problems right now late in the season, it could be very tempting to just turn the unit off and deal with it next year in spring. After all, that gives you a good 5-6 months to schedule the appointment. It is so easy to put off air conditioning maintenance, and also so easy to forget about it.

By scheduling AC repair in Fresno right now, you can check one thing off of your list and rest easy knowing that it’s taken care of. Putting it off until spring could mean that you forget about your AC problems only to set your thermostat to cool and find out your air conditioner stopped working completely. Keep reading to learn more about late season AC repairs that we see and why you need to address them now.

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