California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

What Is the Difference Between an AC Tune-Up and AC Repair Needs?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Air conditioning system maintenance is crucial for ensuring comfort during our extended cooling season and preventing costly breakdowns. We offer two primary services to help keep your AC running smoothly: tune-ups and repairs. 

Some homeowners need clarification about these two services. In a nutshell, a tune-up is something that should be scheduled once a year even when your AC system is working fine, while an AC repair is what’s needed when your AC isn’t working that well or at all. Let’s go over the differences between an AC tune-up and an AC repair, and how regular tune-ups can prevent the need for air conditioning repair in Fresno.

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How to Stay Cool When Your AC Breaks Down in the California Heat

Monday, May 20th, 2024

There’s nothing worse than your air conditioning system breaking down during a heatwave. Having a plan in place to deal with the heat while you wait for AC repair is essential. 

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips to help homeowners stay cool while awaiting air conditioning repair in Clovis. From immediate actions such as closing curtains and staying hydrated, to long-term preventive measures such as scheduling AC maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

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Troubleshooting Tips for Air Conditioning Problems

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

As the temperatures rise, your air conditioning system becomes an invaluable asset in keeping your home cool and comfortable. However, like any other appliance, AC systems are susceptible to repair needs and breakdowns. 

Knowing the signs of common air conditioning problems can save you time, money, and discomfort and can also let you know when to schedule central air conditioning repair in Clovis. Let’s go over troubleshooting tips for AC issues, when to call in the professionals, and how preventative maintenance measures will keep your system running smoothly.

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AC Repairs You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Monday, March 25th, 2024

In the scorching heat of a Fresno summer, your air conditioning system becomes your best friend, providing a cool sanctuary from the blistering temperatures outside. But what happens when your trusty AC starts acting up? 

Ignoring those warning signs can lead to more than just discomfort—it can wreak havoc on your finances. In this guide, we’ll explore the common AC repairs you can’t afford to ignore and the potential financial consequences of neglecting them.

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Don’t Neglect these Late Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 25th, 2023

If your air conditioner is having problems right now late in the season, it could be very tempting to just turn the unit off and deal with it next year in spring. After all, that gives you a good 5-6 months to schedule the appointment. It is so easy to put off air conditioning maintenance, and also so easy to forget about it.

By scheduling AC repair in Fresno right now, you can check one thing off of your list and rest easy knowing that it’s taken care of. Putting it off until spring could mean that you forget about your AC problems only to set your thermostat to cool and find out your air conditioner stopped working completely. Keep reading to learn more about late season AC repairs that we see and why you need to address them now.

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It’s Never Too Late for an AC Tune-UP

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

If you haven’t scheduled your AC maintenance appointment yet this year, you may be feeling regretful. Is it too late to schedule your appointment now? The good news is, it’s never too late for an AC tune-up. As the saying goes, better late than never. Even though it is already summer, our team can still stop by your home to assess your air conditioner and tweak it for the coming months. 

After all, the hottest days of summer are still ahead of us, and you don’t want to face an unexpected AC breakdown. Keep reading to learn more about why AC maintenance is crucial for your air conditioner, even if you schedule the appointment a little later in the year than usual.

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What a Frozen Evaporator Coil Means

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Sometimes you have AC problems and don’t have a clue what is wrong. Other time, AC problems are very obvious. An example of this is a frozen evaporator coil. If you ever see ice on the evaporator coil in your AC unit, that’s a big red flag that something is wrong.

It’s time to schedule an air conditioning repair in Fresno, and fast! Keep reading to learn more about what causes a frozen evaporator coil and why it’s bad news for your air conditioner. Then, give our team a call for a repair appointment to get your AC working like new again.

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Should You Replace Your AC?

Monday, April 10th, 2023

You can expect your air conditioner to last between 10-15 years before it needs to be replaced. If you invest in annual maintenance and change your air filter on time each month, you may be able to get a few more years past 15. However, there comes a time that every AC unit needs to be replaced with a newer version.

Eventually, AC repairs in Clovis won’t cut it anymore and you’ll have to make the investment in a new air conditioner. The question is, when? The good news is, there will be some indications that it’s time to replace your AC before it breaks down completely. If you pay attention to these signs, you can stay ahead of a complete breakdown. 

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What a Hissing Noise Means For Your AC

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Your home’s air conditioner was designed to be mostly silent. Other than the sound of it turning on and off and the sound of air flowing from the vents, hearing any unusual sounds from your air conditioner is cause for concern.

When you hear loud and obnoxious sounds such as banging, clanging, booming, or grinding, it’s pretty obvious that something is wrong and you’re likely going to see its performance suffer in some way which will prompt you to call for repairs.

However, hissing can be very quiet and intermittent, so it can be easy to miss or even ignore. But hissing can actually be a major problem for your air conditioner. If you hear hissing noises coming from your AC, it may be time for AC repair in Fresno. Keep reading to learn more about the source of your AC’s hissing noises and why they’re potentially dangerous.

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What to Do When There Is a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, September 26th, 2022

There is more than one problem that your air conditioner can develop after a long summer filled with hard work. The last several months have been pretty rough for any air conditioner to handle. It makes sense that months of heavy use can take their toll and leave you with a system in need of AC repair in Fresno.

One of the most important repairs to address, especially if you own a heat pump, is a refrigerant leak. We’ll explain more about why this issue can develop and how to handle it here.

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