California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’

What Is the Difference Between an AC Tune-Up and AC Repair Needs?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Air conditioning system maintenance is crucial for ensuring comfort during our extended cooling season and preventing costly breakdowns. We offer two primary services to help keep your AC running smoothly: tune-ups and repairs. 

Some homeowners need clarification about these two services. In a nutshell, a tune-up is something that should be scheduled once a year even when your AC system is working fine, while an AC repair is what’s needed when your AC isn’t working that well or at all. Let’s go over the differences between an AC tune-up and an AC repair, and how regular tune-ups can prevent the need for air conditioning repair in Fresno.

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Why a Refrigerant Leak Requires Prompt Repairs

Monday, March 13th, 2023

Let’s make one thing clear: you should never have a technician coming by to regularly “top off” your air conditioner refrigerant. If a technician is telling you that this is normal, then you need to change who you’re allowing to work on your system.

The truth is that a loss of refrigerant is a sign that you need to get an air conditioner repair in Kingsburg CA. Your system’s refrigerant line has a leak and this will have serious consequences for it until the issue is fixed.

We have everything you need to know about this problem detailed below. Read on and call us ASAP if you think your AC has a refrigerant leak.

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5 Ways To Improve Your Home Efficiency

Monday, June 20th, 2022

When it comes to using the systems around your house, effectiveness isn’t the only thing that you want to take into account. You want your home systems to be as energy-efficient as possible too. Otherwise, a lot of us would be dissuaded from using the very systems that are meant to make our lives easier!

If you are looking for some ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home, we’d love to help you out! Read on to learn some new tips and discover some systems and services that will help you enjoy a more comfortable home at a more reasonable price.

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Dealing with a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, July 20th, 2020

service-timeThe heat has arrived in full force here in California–it is not the time you want to start having air conditioning problems. But that isn’t always how it works out, obviously. There are plenty of problems your air conditioner can encounter when the heat is high and your comfort demands are too.

One example of this is if you have a refrigerant leak. A refrigerant leak in your cooling system is going to be a pretty big problem in very short order. Your biggest defense against this issue is going to be professional AC repairs that resolve the leak and provide the refrigerant recharge you need. The question is, how does this issue occur and how can you tell?

We can help answer these questions and provide the repairs you need to get your system in working order again.

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Tips to Combat the Heat this Summer

Monday, June 8th, 2020

woman-with-fanCalifornia is known for being sunny and warm most of the year. This sounds great until you are living through a high-temperature heatwave and struggling to keep cool while at home. There are going to be days when even the biggest sun-worshipper needs a place to cool off. This might be tough if you have an AC in need of repairs or you have other home issues that are hindering your cooler’s ability to do its job.

With summer kicking into high gear already, we want to make sure you are ready. Here are some tips you can use to combat the heat this summer and boost your home comfort.

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Strange AC Noises and What They Might Mean

Monday, September 30th, 2019

Have you been hearing something go “bump” in the night lately? While Halloween may be just around the corner, it isn’t likely that you have a haunted house. It is probable, however, that your AC is trying to communicate with you.

When your air conditioner is running smoothly, it should be doing so quietly. Strange noises coming for your cooling system is not the norm – and it never should be! If you are noticing that your AC has been making some bizarre noises, it is time to call in the professionals (air conditioner technicians, not Ghostbusters).

Read on to find out what noises you should be listening for!

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Why an AC Might Blow Warm Air

Monday, August 20th, 2018

neglected-condenserOne of the reasons why air conditioning problems sometimes do serious damage to those systems is because homeowners don’t always recognize the fact that there is a problem to begin with. This is due to the fact that many such problems are quite subtle, and you may not notice them as being problems right away. That’s why you should always act promptly when you do start to suspect that there is a problem of some kind with your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

Of course, not all problems are going to be very hard to notice when it comes to your AC system. Shy of an air conditioner that won’t turn on at all, an AC that is blowing warm air just may be the most obvious sign of trouble that you can encounter. The fact that the problem itself is a bit obvious doesn’t mean that its source will necessarily be easy to diagnose, though. There are quite a few potential issues that could be at play.

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Don’t Ignore Weird AC Sounds

Monday, July 9th, 2018

woman-with-fanRoutine air conditioning maintenance is, without exception, your best chance for minimizing the need for AC repair in Madera, CA. That is why we offer homeowners throughout our service area an exceptional maintenance program. Even our top-notch maintenance is not enough to guarantee that your air conditioner will work 100% reliably at all times, unfortunately. In fact, nothing can do that.  You are going to need air conditioning repairs at some point. It’s just that simple. Don’t let this get you down.

Air conditioning repairs are inevitable but, in many cases, they need not be hugely detrimental. There are, in fact, a number of different warning signs that may alert you to potential problems with your air conditioning system. Strange sounds coming from your AC are among the most common. If and when your air conditioner starts to make such sounds, we implore you to schedule service with a member of our team immediately. The sooner that we diagnose and fix any issues, the better off your system is likely to be.

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