California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for July, 2021

Is It Time For a New Cooling System?

Monday, July 19th, 2021

The summer heat is here which means that it is the worst possible time to encounter an AC breakdown. However, this worst-case scenario may be the reality for many residents in the area. Those high temperatures really end up taking their toll on your AC and if you have an older or more worn down system a large heatwave can be the figurative straw that breaks the camel’s back.

While it is possible to get through summer without an air conditioner it is not a pleasant thought. If your air conditioner is about to break down or even if it has already given up the ghost we are here to help. Let’s start by determining whether now is the time to start planning for a new cooling system. Even if your system is running, if it is on the verge of a breakdown, you’ll want to get ahead of the situation so that way you are not without cooling at the worst possible time.

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Break Free of the Heat By Getting Your AC Fixed

Monday, July 5th, 2021

You are hiding in the house and trying to stay cool but nothing you do is working. No fans or shade are helping to keep the temperature indoors reasonable. You can’t spend your time in the freezer or the pool all summer though so you need to find a way to break free from the heat of the day.

Our team can help with an AC repair in Fresno, CA. There is more than one thing that can go wrong with your air conditioner and we can bet that our team has seen just about all of them. We can address any number of issues to ensure that your system gets back into working order again.

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