California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for August, 2020

Do You Need an AC Tune-Up or AC Repairs?

Monday, August 31st, 2020

AC-being-servicedYour air conditioning system needs to get regular care if you want to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout more than one summer in California. The question that you might have is whether you need to get a tune-up or a full-on air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA. Strange noises and poor cooling can all seem like a repair need when they could actually be taken care of by a tune-up. So how do you know which one to contact us for?

Below we have provided some guidelines that can help you determine whether a tune-up or a repair is what you need. If you still aren’t sure, we can help diagnose what is wrong and let you know what your air conditioner needs to keep working well.

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4 Questions to Ask When Choosing Your Next Air Conditioner

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Okay, the time has come. Your long-term air conditioner is well past its 15-year peak and it is no longer able to keep your home cool anymore. You need an AC replacement in Fresno, and we can get that job taken care of for you.

Step one of getting your replacement is acknowledging that you need a replacement in the first place. If you are reading this blog, that step is probably taken care of. Step two is going to be figuring out what air conditioning system you need. To do that, you need to know what questions to ask so you can select the system that works best for you–and yes there is more than one option!

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The Details on Ductless Air Conditioners

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

When it comes to keeping your home cool in Fresno, your best defense against the incredible heatwaves we get is going to be an air conditioning system that can keep your entire home comfortable. This can be easier said than done though if your home is a little older or smaller. These factors can make it hard to accommodate the units that comprise the central AC system or even just ductwork.

Thankfully, you still have a great option for providing cool comfort in your home: a ductless HVAC system. If you are looking for a system that can provide you with comfortable indoor temperatures during the hottest of summers without the hassle of installing ducts into your home, this is a great option.

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