California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heating repairs’

Signs That You Need Heating Repairs

Friday, February 17th, 2017

girl-sitting-by-the-fireFresno may not be the hottest spot in all of California, but before long we will back to nice, warm temperatures. Don’t let your anticipation for the coming warmer weather lull you into a false sense of security with your heating system in Fresno, CA, though. You are going to need it for a while longer, and you cannot simply ignore signs of trouble with it just because things will be heating up before long.

We want to give you a few tips for spotting the signs that you need heating repairs in this blog. Keep them in mind, and remember that no problem is “minor” enough to ignore. Even those issues that seem minor, even this close to the end of the heating season, can do real damage. Contact us at the first sign of trouble. 

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