California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Maintain Balanced Humidity in Your Home

Monday, August 7th, 2017

family-outside-houseWhat do you think of when you hear the word “comfort”? Your air conditioner? Your heating system? Of course, the heater and the AC in your home both play a huge role in keeping you comfortable throughout the year. However, maintaining comfortable temperatures throughout your living space may not be enough to guarantee that you are living in the level of comfort that we know you deserve. You may also need to balance humidity levels throughout your home in order to take your overall comfort to the next level.

But how is it that one can be expected to add or subtract humidity from the air in his or her home as needed? The answer is actually quite simple — by using a whole-house humidifier and/or dehumidifier in Madera, CA. Opting for a whole-house system makes maintaining the right level of humidity in your home as simple and convenient as it is beneficial. Read on to learn a bit more about these systems, and remember to leave your indoor air quality services to the pros on our staff. 

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How Does Clean Ductwork Benefit Me?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

dryer-vent-cleaningWhen you think of cleaning up around the house, you probably think of doing the dishes, attacking that mounting pile of laundry, sweeping the tile floors and vacuuming the carpeted areas, etc. What you probably don’t think about, though, is the overall condition within your ductwork. While you should certainly be concerned with the cleanliness of your air ducts, you really shouldn’t be adding them to your cleaning list. Why not? Well, because you simply cannot effectively and thoroughly clean them on your own.

Professional duct cleaning in Fresno, CA is really the only way in which to ensure that your ductwork is clean within. This begs the next question. Is cleaning your ductwork really worth bringing in a professional to do the job? The answer is a resounding “yes!”. If the air ducts that you use to distribute heated and cooled air throughout your home are dirty within, then you are likely going to face a number of negative effects in your home. Consider the following, and leave the duct cleaning to the pros on our staff.

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Do I Need a UV Air Purifier?

Monday, May 29th, 2017

UV-lampThe only answer that we can give you without assessing your unique situation is a very general “maybe.” Not every home is going to require UV air purifiers. Even those homes that benefit from the use of air filtration systems or electronic air cleaners may be fine without the use of UV air purifiers in Madera, CA. That being said, those homes that can benefit from UV air cleaners really benefit from them. In certain conditions, the positive effects of using these products, such as UV germicidal lights are simply monumental.

Keep the following information in mind when next you take stock of the overall indoor air quality in your home. If you suspect that UV germicidal lights may be a good addition to your IAQ system, give a member of our team a call. We can discuss your concerns, recommend products, and, of course, complete your UV air purifier installation and services with the skill and expertise that has come to define our services.

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Indoor Air Quality Tip: Dealing with Airborne Pollutants

Monday, March 20th, 2017

Indoor_Air_Quality_Filters_Duct_Cleaning_iStock_000015986521_Large_800x533Now that we’re moving into the latter half of March, many homeowners throughout the area are already starting to think about getting the best performances possible from their air conditioning systems. We will have some helpful tips to help you do so coming in near-future posts. For now, though, we want to remind homeowners of how important it is to also maintain great indoor air quality in Madera, CA.

As we move into the spring season and temperatures begin to rise, so too are allergen counts such as tree, grass, and ragweed pollen. By the time spring is in full bloom, your allergy and/or asthma symptoms may be as well. The good news is that we offer the indoor air quality systems and services that you need to resolve any such problems in your home.

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