California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for May, 2021

The Issue With a Refrigerant Leak

Monday, May 24th, 2021

AC-being-servicedThings are starting to warm up and open up too. It feels like you have all of Fresno at your fingertips now and just in time for summer! You have a lot of plans to make, people to catch up with, and fun things to do that you had to miss out on last year.

Getting anĀ air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA may not have made it onto your list. However, if your AC isn’t working right, it may be a good idea to get this service scheduled so it doesn’t mess with the rest of your summer plans! One big issue that you will want to get repaired as quickly as possible is a refrigerant leak.

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Make Sure Your AC is Ready for the Heat

Monday, May 10th, 2021

service-timeThere are days when it feels like summer in the sunlight and winter in the shade. There have been days when it seems like California forgot that spring wasn’t meant to be sweltering. It makes getting dressed in the morning a challenge and staying comfortable a roller coaster.

While the weather can be frustrating there is one thing we know for sure. The heat of summer will be settling in sooner than later and, when it does, you want to make sure you’ve scheduled any AC repairs well in advance.

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