California Indoor Comfort Inc Blog: Archive for April, 2020

Is Your AC on the Brink of a Replacement?

Monday, April 27th, 2020

AC-on-moneyYour air conditioner, unfortunately, was not designed to last forever. And yes, we totally understand that replacing your entire system is not all that fun, but trust us, sometimes it is for the best. And guess what? With a team like ours on your side, replacing your AC doesn’t have to be so dreadful.

There are a number of signs that suggest it’s time to replace your air conditioner, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading below to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need air conditioning services in Fresno, CA.

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Dust Might Be the Least of Your Problems This Spring!

Monday, April 13th, 2020

During the winter, you probably don’t have much use for your air conditioner. Its only job is to sit and accumulate dust until temperatures start to rise, birds begin chirping, and flowers begin blooming. And, when the time comes to finally turn your system on for the season, you might find that it needs a bit more than a dusting… it might need a few repairs.

There are a number of common springtime AC repairs, and below, we have listed a few of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more. Oh! And remember to contact our team for your HVAC in Fresno, CA.

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