Tips To Choose Your Next Air Conditioner

AC-technician-outdoorsYou need a reliable and effective air conditioner in your home to keep things livable throughout the summer season. The issue you may be running into at this point is that you don’t have a good air conditioner to use. This means that it is time to get one installed!

The question you might be facing is which one to select. There are multiple options out there for you to choose from but you will want to make sure that you choose the one that is right for you. How do you do that?

Work with a team of experts like ours for your AC installation in Fresno, CA and we can help you with every step of the process, from system selection to sizing and more.

Tips For Choosing Your Next Air Conditioning System

Looking for a new AC system? We can help you with your system installation starting with these tips on getting your next AC picked out.

  • Consider your ductwork…or lack thereof: The ductwork in your home is meant to be the delivery system for the temperature-controlled air that your chosen HVAC system creates. You need good ductwork to use a ducted system. If you want a ducted heat pump or a central AC you’ll need to make sure that your ductwork is in decent condition. Otherwise, you’ll want to consider a ductless HVAC system. Your ductwork is going to be a big defining factor when choosing which system to install.
  • Decide if you need or want a heating system too: Are you looking to install just an air conditioner? Or are you starting to consider the switch from a space heater to a centralized heating system too? If you are looking for both an AC and heater then a heat pump-style system may be a better choice than just an AC unit.
  • Look for SEER, EER, and Energy Star ratings: Make sure to find out the ideal SEER or EER ratings needed for a home your size and the climate you live in. The higher the system SEER and EER ratings are, the better the system will cool your home throughout the summer, even on days when the temperature reaches the triple digits. Likewise, you’ll need to consider the type of system you use–we always recommend Energy Star-rated HVAC systems since they offer unparalleled energy efficiency.

We Can Help With Your Next AC Installation

Choosing an air conditioner for your home can be a tough decision. It is an important one too. That’s why we want to make sure that you get the best system to meet your home’s exact needs. We take every factor into account, from your region’s climate to the square footage in your home to your ductwork.

We don’t stop there though. We are also going to provide expert installation for your new system. We know how to connect your system to existing ductwork or install the conduits that will allow those new ductless air handlers to operate properly. When you work with us, your new comfort system will be installed right the first time around.

Contact the experts at California Indoor Comfort Inc for your installationWhere comfort and technology come together.

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