Maintenance Can Be Good for Your AC After Summer

It feels like this summer has been a pretty rough one right? Between the high temperatures and rolling heatwaves, not to mention the wildfires around our area, its like there is little to no escape from the heat! Thankfully, as long as you have an air conditioner that is well cared for and running effectively, you can at least count on your home to be a safe haven from the heat.

With that said,  scheduling AC maintenance in Fresno, CA as this cooling season starts to wind down over the next couple of months isn’t a bad idea. Like we mentioned, it’s been a rough summer which means your AC may have been pushed to the limit. So why not give it some extra help?

Why Schedule Maintenance At the End of the Season?

We know you might be surprised to hear us encouraging you to schedule maintenance at this time of year. It is usually something taken care of in the spring or early summer so why would you do it now? There is more than one reason actually.

  • Helps your AC get through the rest of the high temperatures. Let’s be honest. California likes to get hot and then stay that way for a long while. Even at the beginning and sometimes throughout the fall we don’t get a break so there is a strong chance you’ll still be running your AC system well into November. Make sure that your system is ready to handle that heat as long as it is around with maintenance.
  • Ensures your system is better prepared for next summer. Scheduling maintenance around this time of year is going to help your air conditioner end the summer season strong and be better prepared for next summer too. This means there are fewer issues that are likely to show up at the start of next summer making things easier for your system and your comfort.
  • Fewer chances of repairs. One of the best things about air conditioning maintenance is that it helps to address problems that would otherwise escalate into repair needs later on. Even if you had your AC unit tuned up at the beginning of the summer, scheduling maintenance again after a long, harsh summer is going to truly help your system avoid repair needs. Even if it doesn’t fully prevent repairs, it will also help to keep any repair needs that do pop up easier to handle and less expensive.

How hard has your air conditioning system been working this summer? Even if you are doing your best to keep your temperature settings reasonable and help optimize the efficiency of your home, your AC unit is going to accrue some wear and tear. If you want to make sure that your system is ready to handle any surprise heat waves, you can get your tune-up taken care of by the team at California Indoor Comfort Inc.

Where comfort and technology come together. Contact California Indoor Comfort Inc to schedule your AC maintenance services.

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