Here Are Your Most Common Furnace Repairs and How to Avoid Them

chilly-manDealing with a faulty furnace in the middle of winter is never fun. You depend on your furnace to keep you and your family warm and comfy, no matter the temperature outside, so when something goes wrong, it is definitely a cause for concern.

There are a number of common furnace repairs that homeowners face every year, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. That way, you know exactly how to avoid them and what to do if a problem does come up. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need furnace repair in Fresno, CA.

Common Furnace Repairs

Let’s take a look at some of your most common furnace repairs:

Broken Thermostat

Did you know that your furnace thermometers and your thermostat are two different things? These two components must be in sync in order for your furnace to function properly. So, if your thermometer breaks or needs to be recalibrated, it throws off your furnace’s ability to regulate temperature. It may turn on at irregular times or remain running far longer than needed.

Clogged Filters

When was the last time you changed your furnace’s filter? Depending on how often you run your system, it’s recommended that you change your filter every 1-3 months. Your filter creates a barrier that catches dirt, debris, and allergens before it enters into the ductwork of your home. If the filter hasn’t been changed in a while, it may become clogged. Not only does this lead to an excess of dust around your home, but it also causes your furnace to overexert itself.

Pilot Light Malfunction

Whether it’s automatic or manual, your pilot light is an integral part of your HVAC system. Without it, the fuel used by your furnace won’t ignite and no heat will be distributed throughout your home.  If your furnace is blowing cold air, check your pilot light to determine whether or not it’s been lit. Even if you suspect everything is in working order, it’s a good idea to inspect your pilot light at least once a year.

Broken Blower Motor

The blower motor within your furnace is what blows the hot air through your ductwork, warming your home. Without it, there’s no regulating the temperature or circulating the heated air. Often times these motors fail from being overworked or due to clogs. Investing in yearly tune-ups is a great way to prevent this issue.

Fuel Line Supply

If you own a gas furnace, then issues with your fuel line could definitely be a problem for you at some point or another. If the fuel supply line has a problem, it could prevent your furnace from working properly. While you may suspect an issue, it’s always best to consult with a professional before attempting to repair any fuel line problems.

Ready to schedule your furnace repairs? All you have to do is contact the team at California Indoor Comfort Inc. today to get started! 

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