Do You Need Gas Fireplace Repairs?
There’s nothing quite like cozying up with your loved ones in front of the fireplace. And, if you own a gas fireplace, you know just how easy it is to flip a switch, grab your favorite warm beverage, and settle into a long winter night.
Unfortunately, though, there will come a time when your gas fireplace needs repairs. That’s why we’ve outlined some of the signs that suggest your gas fireplace needs professional services for you below. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need gas fireplace repairs in Fresno, CA.
So, What Are The Signs?
There are a number of signs that suggest your gas fireplace is in need of professional repairs. Here are a few of them:
- It Smells Like Sulfer: If your gas fireplace starts to smell like sulfur, a.k.a rotten eggs, then it definitely time to call in a professional. See, the smell of sulfur indicates that your system is experiencing a gas leak, which as you know, can be quite dangerous!
- It Smells Like Something Is Burning: If it smells like something is burning inside your gas fireplace, then it is likely that there is dust or other debris trapped somewhere in the system. Your best bet is to turn off your system and wait for a professional to come and take a look at it.
- The Pilot Light is Malfunctioning: Just as a faulty pilot light in your water heater or furnace indicates a problem, a faulty pilot light in your gas fireplace indicates the thermocouple (the part that covers your pilot light when it shuts off) might be worn, dirty, or damaged. In any eventuality, this is best handled by a trained professional.
Sure, gas fireplaces don’t exactly come with the same risks that a wood-burning fireplace does, like soot build-up or damper issues, however, they do come with their own set of issues, so it is important that you be on the lookout! Be sure to call in a professional at the first sign of trouble!
You Need Professional Repairs
When the time comes to schedule your gas fireplace repairs, it is important that you call in a certified professional for help. Trust us, only a gas fireplace professional has the tools, knowledge, and expertise to safely and correctly handle the complex needs of your system, the first time around.
And yes, there may be plenty of amateurs willing to service your system for a questionably low price. However, sometimes an attempt to save money could end up costing you much, much more in the long run! Therefore, it is always better to call in a pro and get the job done right the first time around! See, when it comes to your comfort and your budget, you really don’t want to take any risks!
Ready to schedule your gas fireplace repairs? All you have to do is contact the team at California Indoor Comfort Inc. today to get started!
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