Why Your Forced Air Heater Needs a Clean Filter

clean-air-filterWell, it is chilly outside. The heater seems to be running decently. Nothing to see here, no problems on the horizon. 

Wait just a second!

Before you go deciding that your heater is working “good enough,” ask yourself this:

Is “good enough” really good enough for you? Even more importantly—when is the last time that you changed your air filter?

When your heater is up and running, be it a heat pump or a furnace, you may convince yourself that this alone means that everything is going just fine. That is not really the case. There could be potential issues simmering away just under the surface. And you know what? A dirty air filter is one of the most common causes of such problems. The air filter is a very simple component to swap out, and they are quite cheap to purchase.

It may sound like and an exaggeration, but believe us when we say that changing your air filter regularly is the single best thing that you can do for your heater. It can even help you to avoid heater repair in Madera, CA!

But It Was Just Tuned Up!

Okay, so changing the air filter regularly is one of the best things that you can do yourself for your heater, we should say. The most important is scheduling annual heating maintenance with trained professionals. Just keep in mind, however, that annual just is not enough when it comes to changing your air filter.

There is no concrete rule as to when your air filter should be changed, as there are a lot of different factors that can influence the need for replacement filters. That being said, every 1-3 months is a good starting point. If you ask us, it’s best to be on the safe side. At least check in on your filter monthly to see if it is dirty enough to replace. Not sure if it’s dirty “enough”? Then—it’s probably dirty enough!

What’s the Big Deal?

Yeah, but like I said, it’s working just fine.

Well, it may appear that nothing is wrong even if your air filter is dirty but:

  1. Not all problems will cause something as drastic as an immediate breakdown and
  2. it’s only a matter of time!

A dirty air filter really restricts airflow through the heating system. That means that your heater is going to have to work harder and harder in order to heat your home effectively. That can lead to overheating, and that can lead to short cycling. When your heater has to start up over and over again due to short cycling, its energy efficiency is really going to take a hit.

Plus, a dirty air filter in a heat pump can really inhibit the heat transfer process. Ice may begin to develop on the system, further compounding the issue. You risk doing real damage to your system, as well as to your budget, when you ignore the need for a fresh air filter in your forced air heater!

Schedule your heating services with California Indoor Comfort Inc. Where comfort and technology come together.

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