Have You Gotten a Furnace Tune-Up Yet?


Do you like the idea of saving money? What about the idea of keeping your home warm without it costing you the entirety of your budget for Christmas gifts? Finances are tight for a lot of us right now which is why we want to remind everyone of just how helpful and cost-effective it is to schedule furnace maintenance each year.

If you haven’t scheduled a tune-up for your furnace heater yet, we want to make sure you know it isn’t too late. Plus, it is very worth your while! We’ll explain more below.

What Happens During Maintenance

Maintenance is more than just a quick check-up for your furnace heater. The tasks that are completed during a maintenance check help to improve performance and efficiency without the cost of time spent on repairs. These tasks can include:

  • Cleaning moving parts
  • Lubricating dry parts
  • Cleaning out built-up debris
  • Tightening loose parts
  • Checking electrical and/or gas connections

When a technician completes a maintenance check on your furnace, they will take care of these and other tasks that help your heater perform at its best when you need it the most.

Why Maintenance Pays Off

Maintenance service isn’t free. However, the cost of maintenance is low, especially when compared to the amount of cash you end up saving in the long run. This is made even better when the cost of the tune-up is still covered under warranty.

1. Lower energy bills through better efficiency

One of the best benefits of regular, yearly maintenance is that it helps your system operate efficiently. This is because it can prevent a loss of 5% of your energy efficiency each year. And that improved energy efficiency means that less fuel and electricity need to be used in order to heat the house, lowering the monthly bills that you pay without lowering your comfort level.

2. Better heating without increased costs

A lower monthly heating bill is always a great thing to see each year. Maintenance is going to help ensure that your heater works at its best without increasing the amount that you have to pay to get the house warm. If you stay on top of maintenance each year and keep the system warranty valid, you can also enjoy a tune-up free of cost that saves you money.

3. Less money spent on repairs

Each furnace repair is going to be a bigger cost when it pops up. That’s why you want to keep the need for repairs to a minimum. Maintenance can help prevent up to 85% of the repairs that your furnace may need over the course of its lifespan, saving you a lot of money as a result.

As you can see maintenance makes a difference and it can save you money that would be better spent elsewhere. That’s why we want to make sure that you schedule a tune-up as soon as you can. We are here to help!

Contact the experts at California Indoor Comfort Inc to schedule your furnace tune-up today. Where comfort and technology come together.

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